Creating Assets
Creating Assets
A new Asset can be created either in the root of the database or as part of an existing category or branch category.
Select ‘+ Create Equipment/Software’, complete Details then Select Create
Once the asset is created an overview will appear on the right side. If you are looking for an existing Asset you will need to open the category or you can search for the name within the search bar
Navigate to a Category the equipment / software belongs to if it is not stored on the root.
Select the 3 dots to Edit or Delete an Equipment / Software.
Managing Asset Units
Managing Asset Units
Once the Asset has been created you can then enter your cost and suggested rate for your Units of measure (UOM). The UOM can only be created by the admin.
The Suggested rate is the most likely or most common charge rate and this rate will automatically populate on the contract where it can then be changed if required.
Add Cost per unit and Suggested rate
Creating Asset Categories
Creating Asset Categories
A category is a group of equipment items that within your organisation are similar.
You can create as many branches as you like for a multi-level asset inventory.
Select ‘+ Create Category’, complete name and select Create
You can also create a category within a category
Select a Category to add a branch Category
Select Create Category, complete Details then select Create
Click the 3 dots to Edit or Delete a Category
Setting a Reminder
Setting a Reminder
Select the Asset record to Edit
Select Inventory / Licence depending on the Asset type
You do not need to complete all the details for the Inventory item and make sure to keep hourly cost as 0 as this UOM on the overview override this cost
Select Create Item / Licence and complete required details
Multiple reminders can be set for each Inventory Item / License to control your asset register. Each reminder is set against up to two due dates.
Select Create Reminder
You can add multiple reminders to one inventory item.
Complete Reminder Details and date(s)