Creating an Invoice
Creating an Invoice
Navigate to Project Finance
Select Invoices from the submenu and select Create Invoice
Add the Invoice setup details:
Office, Project and Invoicing type will get added automatically.
Invoicing type can be changed manually as well, the 2 options reflect billing type; Fixed price and Reimbursable.
Reimbursable will allow you to select the WIP with the full value.
Fixed price will allow you to change to rate to 0 for milestone payments.
Date range and Incoming PO are added manually by selecting the data field
Populating Invoice Line
Populating Invoice Line
Once the Invoice setup is complete you can add the invoice Line items
Below, you will see how to add Team resources however all other resources work the same way.
Select the resource from the category drop down
Select 'Add Invoice line'
Select the Resource to gain a breakdown of the WIP to be Invoiced
Here you can see the approved time for each Work package
Select the work package drop down for a more detailed view of each WP
Select the checkbox for the Resources to be invoiced
Adjust the Quantity to bill and/or Rate if required
Depending on the Tax type that has been selected (Initially from the proposal details but can be edited at project details once won) You can see the total automatically applies the VAT and WHT.
Select Save invoice once complete
You can then see a high level overview of the Quantity and Total for the category
Select the Pen Icon to edit Tax (Only available if tax is VAT) and the Bin Icon to delete the line item if required.
As mentioned in 'Invoice Creation' if invoice type is fixed price you will be able to edit the sub-total rate for all WIP for each resource category.
Adding Invoice Info
Adding Invoice Info
Invoice public notes can be configured for each office within the admin console. If this has not been done or you wish to make changes do so within the textbox.
Select the Billing address from the drop down.
If there is no billing address select the + icon and fill in the details
Existing Billing addresses will only appear if they are marked available for invoice in the company section.
Select the Invoice issue date and payment terms
The payment terms are set within the admin console but can be changed on the invoice.
Select Save draft once complete
Invoice Approval
Invoice Approval
Once the Invoice is saved it will take you to the summary page where you can review all invoice details, including Banking information.
Bank details can be added in the admin console - invoice settings, for each office and will automatically populate for each invoice.
You can download an Invoice PDF by selecting Download.
Once the invoice has been approved for payment select approve.
Note that once the invoice has been approved you will have to credit if a mistake has been made.
Crediting an Invoice
Crediting an Invoice
If you need to credit the invoice, select credit invoice and confirm.
Note that once payment has been recorded on the invoice you can no longer credit.
The invoice will now no longer be editable and on the index page you will be able to see the credited invoice and the approved invoice returning the credit.
Recording Payment
Recording Payment
On an approved invoice select Record payment in the bottom right
Choose the payment amount then select update
The invoicing progress will update and an audit below will indicate the who recorded the payment and which date.
After you have recorded the remaining amount and payment progress is 100%, the invoice will be marked as paid.
You will be able to see the updated status on the index page
Project Invoice Index
Project Invoice Index
There are 4 status for an invoice:
Draft - Preparing the invoice, the invoice can be edited at anytime
Approved - Invoice has been approved for payment, awaiting further payment.
Credit - Invoice has been credited, value is back to WIP ready to be added to a new invoice.
Paid - Invoice has been paid in full.
Full all status an invoice PDF can be downloaded
The 3 main widgets:
Approved - Total approved invoice amount (Includes Tax)
Paid - Total Paid invoice amount (Includes Tax)
Outstanding - Total outstanding payment amount (Includes Tax)