Create Company record
Create Company record
To navigate to the Companies Database select Companies on the main navigation
It is recommended to create and populate your company databases before creating a record as this will save both time and avoid confusion
Select Create Company
Complete Company Details then select Create Company.
Company Name: The name of the company
Company Key: This is the unique identifier and can be added to record references by the admin
Is Global: This will allow offices other than the company office to contract against this company
Office: The office that manages this client record
Parent Company: You can add the parent for the company record if required
Our Rep: The user who manages this company record
Email address format: Standard email address format for this company
Website: Company Website
Company Logo: Upload a logo to better identify this client on the index
Company Status: Whether this is still an active or in-active client
Company Type: Select between Client, Supplier (Which allows you to create purchase costs against) or Internal
Company Organogram: Upload the company structure
Add Office Addresses
Add Office Addresses
The Company address is recommended to be completed before the project as it is important when creating a Purchase Order and Invoicing
Select Office Address
Each Company record can contain multiple office addresses and can be used for selection throughout Proteus.
Select Create Office and add the details, select create once complete
Select the 3 dots to Edit or Delete an existing Address
Add Contacts
Add Contacts
A company contact is required when creating a proposal record, we recommend creating it within the company database however you can do so while creating the proposal as well.
Select Contacts
Each Company record can contain multiple contacts and can be used for selection throughout Proteus.
Select Create Contact, add the details then select create once complete
Click the 3 dots to Edit or Delete an existing Contact.