Creating a Dataset
Creating a Dataset
Select Datasets
Select Create Dataset
Enter the dataset name and choose whether to show or hide the full work breakdown and internal work packages
Managing a Dataset
A dataset will automatically update however you can select the update icon to ensure that the data is accurate.
Selecting the edit button will allow you to change the dataset name and also reselect whether to show or hide the full work breakdown and internal work packages.
A standard reporting week within Proteus is Saturday to Friday which means that it will update the dataset weekly on Friday. By selecting the date you can select a past reporting Friday to see past data.
The columns can be reordered by selecting the title and moving them to another location. Ticking and unticking the boxes will include or remove the data field, by default all are ticked.
If on a laptop you can scroll through the data using a trackpad otherwise you will need to use the slider at the bottom to view all data.
Creating a Report
Creating a Report
Select Reports
Select Create Report
Enter Report name and date
Add Report Components
There are 4 Report Components they are:
Text, which will create a text block for free writing.
Dataset, which will allow you to select from your pre-existing datasets to include on the report.
Gantt Chart, which will display the project plan including actual and forecast.
S-Curve Graph, which will display the planned v actual progress as well as the forecast.
Note that you can add multiple of each components
Select Apply Changes Once all Components are added
Share Project Report
Select the edit button at any time to make changes to the report.
Select the preview button to see the report webpage.
Select copy share link to gain a link for the report webpage to share with others.