Incoming PO
Incoming PO
Open a Project then select Finance from the section menu
Select Incoming PO
Select Create Incoming Purchase Order
Enter the PO Number according to the assigned naming convention
Enter both the Cost Code and PO Value
Change the Date From if required and enter the Expiry date
Select the Edit button to make changes to the IPO Details
Answer the Checklist
Review the Checklist and toggle the Yes/No answer
Save Once complete
Add any comments
Save comments with the Icon on the right
Submit for Approval once ready
The status will change from Draft to Pending
Approve or Reject
The project manager can select whether to approve or reject the IPO. Approve will mean the value can be used for invoicing, Reject will block the IPO and a new one will need to be created
You can also select Cancel Approval Request to make further changes to the IPO before submitting for approval again