Creating an Outgoing PO
Creating an Outgoing PO
Navigate to Outgoing PO via Project Finance
Select Create Outgoing PO
Select the supplier the cost was added to from the drop down
Tick the checkbox of the costs to be added to the PO
Then edit the cost details:
Receipt Type is either Quantity or Value based
Quantity if the receipt type is value you don't add a quantity
Cost is the value of the item to be charged for this PO
If the supplier was originally 'Unknown' select update supplier to select the correct supplier
Add both the from and to addresses as well as expected receipt date
Select a Purchase Approver
Note that approvers are created within the admin console, if there are no approvers consult an admin user from your company
Add any public notes
Select Create Outgoing Purchase Order
You have now created a draft OPO navigate back to the index and select the 3 dots on the OPO to request for approval
Draft: The stage of OPO creation, choosing the supplier address and assigning the approver.
Pending Approval: The stage of awaiting approval or denial of the OPO.
Issued: The stage once the OPO has been approved & issued.
Cancelled: If the OPO is marked as cancelled it can no longer be changed.
Partially Received: After the OPO has been receipted against but still has value left to receipt it is marked as Partially Received.
Fully Received: Once all value has been receipted against.
OPO Approval
OPO Approval
After the OPO creator has requested for approval the assigned approver will receive an email notifying them of the request.
Approve & Issue will approve the PO allowing you to receipt against the OPO
Deny will request a reason for denial then be reverted back to draft
Note the creator will be notified via email of both outcomes
To approve via email select the link on the email which will take the approver to the approve/deny OPO page on Proteus
To approval straight from Proteus select the 3 dots and select whether to approve or deny. You can also view the OPO to better review and determine the outcome
OPO Receipting
OPO Receipting
Once the PO has been Approved and Issued you can then start receipting.
Before Receipting you are able to Cancel and/or Redraft the PO
Select Cancel to completely cancel the PO with no further revision available to be made.
Select Cancel and Redraft to cancel the current PO and create a draft copy for further revision and issuing.
To start receipting select Receipt on the 3 dots of the PO
Add the Receipt date, Invoice ID and Receipt amount
Select create once complete