What are the different permission types for a proposal or project record?
When a user is invited to a proposal or project there are 3 levels of permission;
A Manager or Editor can edit records and progress the status of a record or create variations. Further enhancements to this functionality to segregate permissions between Manager and Editor will be coming soon!
A viewer can only view the proposal or project and is unable to make any changes.
How to delete a proposal that has been set to won?
Once a proposal has had its status changed to won it will be converted to a project, once a proposal is won it will not be able to be deleted.
How to track expenses?
To be able to track expenses you or the user that wishes to track expenses needs to be assigned as a resource against the line item that has expenses.
Expenses are connected to people so always create work packages for time and expense combined. You will not be able to assign a resource to a work package with only a budget for expenses and no team resources.
How to add/record non-billable time?
Navigate to Tracking.
At the bottom of all your assigned projects there will be "Non-Billables", select the down arrow next to it.
Select non-billable to see a list of non-billable codes
Select the code and then record your time including comments (as appropriate)
How to add a comment when tracking time?
When you select the amount of time you wish to record for a certain project line item, there will be a text box above to enter any notes/comments
How to remove/revise time recorded in tracking?
Until you have submitted your time this can be revised at any time. To revise incorrectly submitted time you will first need to inform your approver to reopen your time.
The approver can do this by selecting the user's time slot and clicking reopen, you can also reopen groups of time either by day or by task per user. Once the time has been reopened the user may amend time as normal and resubmit when ready.
How to check user utilisation?
Within Tracking navigate to utilisation, create a group and add the members you wish to include in this group. The basic information about utilisation is displayed on the screen and you can download to .xls to see more utilisation details including missing time for the selected users of your group(s).
What is a group for?
A group is a manually created congregation of users. Groups can be selected as a document block that will display the group of users together on the proposal document with a short biography of each user.
What is Key used for?
With a Key, you create a unique reference code for a Proteus record which can be used for cross reference to other records or in document referencing.
How to change a PO receipt type and what it is?
When you create a PO, for each line item added you will be able to choose between a value or quantity-based receipt type. This affects the way you will receipt against the PO after the PO has been approved.
To clarify, if you want to receipt a quantity (products/hours) then select quantity based PO. If you are unsure about the value of each supplier invoice to be receipted as it can vary, then select value based PO.
You are unable to change the receipt type after it has been approved.
How to create recurring purchase cost entries?
When your business regularly users the same supplier for certain purchases to support the execution of your projects, you can create recurring purchase cost entries. Navigate to finance > costs > create cost (only a user assigned the role "finance & assets manager" can access this)
How to delete an invoice?
Once an invoice has been created in draft it will be assigned an invoice number. To ensure compliance with financial audits your organisation may be required to have, this invoice (number) cannot be deleted. As long as the invoice has not been marked as sent you will be able to edit the invoice via the 3 dots and re-use it's purpose.
How to convert a timesheet user to a normal user type?
An admin user will have to access the admin console and within users select edit on the user that to be changed. Click the user role drop-down and select the new role.
If your company has already exceeded the number of users you have paid for in the month/year you will need to purchase a new license(s) as there is a price difference between a timesheet user and a normal user type. The pro-rated difference for the remaining license period will be charged additionally to your account.
Please contact an Xergy team member to help you to purchase new license(s) as required to change a timesheet user to a normal user.
Can a company be listed as both supplier and client?
If you use the supplier company type when creating a company it will act as both a client and supplier. A client type will act as a sole client without supplier functionality.