Creating a Purchase Request
Creating a Purchase Request
Navigate to Purchase request via Project finance
Select the 'Create Purchase Request' button in the bottom right corner
Select the tick box of the costs to include on the Purchase request
Request Details
The Purchase Requisitioner can now complete the PR details
Select the Budget Holder and Buyer approvers
Add the Description, Expected Receipt date and Scope of Work
Select the Receipt type for your cost(s) either Quantity or Value based
If Value type is selected enter the cost/unit for the cost.
If Quantity type is selected enter the quantity for the cost.
Select add additional costs if further costs need to be included onto the PR.
Select the Procurement mode; Single Source, Single Source Justification (SSJ) or Competitive Tender (RFQ)
Add the Recommended supplier (No required at this stage if procurement mode is RFQ)
Enter any notes that need to be viewed by the Budget holder and/or Buyer
If you select the SSJ Procurement mode you will need to complete the SSJ Form, which will create an additional approval flow.
Select Create SSJ Form
Complete the fields then assign a DOA SSJ Approver
Consult a company admin if there are no SSJ approvers to select
Once all details have been completed you can submit for approval
Budget Holder PR Approval
Budget Holder PR Approval
After the Requisitioner has submitted for approval the Budget holder will be notified via email that they need to review.
The Requisitioner can at anytime recall the PR, redrafting and allowing for further changes.
Approve will send the PR to final approval/issuing from the Buyer
If the PR is SSJ there will be another approval before the Buyer
Reject will cancel the PR disallowing any further changes, all costs will be returned to the list to be used for another PR.
SSJ Approval
SSJ Approval
SSJ Approval is only required if SSJ Procurement mode was selected
SSJ Approvers are created within the admin console
Once the Budget holder has approved the Purchase Request the SSJ DOA assigned to approve the SSJ Form will get an email notification
Navigate to SSJ Form to review
After reviewing select Reject or Approve
Reject will change the procurement mode to RFQ turning into a competitive tender
Approve will send the PR to final issuing by the Buyer
Buyer PR Approval/Issuing
Buyer PR Approval/Issuing
The buyer will be notified via email that the Purchase request is ready for final approval and/or Issuing
Issue is slightly different between Single Source and RFQ
For single source select Approve and Raise PO
Create and save a note if required
For RFQ select Submit for approval
Select Approve and Raise PO
Create and save a note if required
Managing a Purchase Order
Managing a Purchase Order
Select the PO type (This is selecting the public note) These must first be created in the admin console
Select Supplier Currency
The conversion rate can be changed manually by an admin user
Select Create cost line item(s)
Add the description, receipt type, cost, quantity and if required tax %
Select the subtract icon to delete a cost line item
Select the DOA External Commitment approver
Consult a company admin if there are no Approvers to select
Select the supplier if RFQ
Select the supplier address and delivery address
Enter any notes required for subsequent approvers
Once all required information has been entered select 'Submit for approval' to gain cost approval from the DOA.
DOA Approval
DOA Approval
After the Buyer has submitted for approval the DOA Approver(s) will be notified via email that they need to review.
The Buyer can at anytime recall the PO, redrafting and allowing for further changes.
Approve will send the PO back to the Buyer for Issuing
Deny will ask for a 'reason for rejection' which will be added to the notes audit log and the PO will revert back to draft allowing the Buyer to make further changes to resubmit later.
Creating a Receipt
Creating a Receipt
All approvers will be notified via email that the PO has progressed from Issued.
Select 'Create Receipt' on the PO
Add the draft receipt details
Invoice Number: The invoice reference for this receipt
Approver(s): DOA (approval to pay)
Invoice date: The date of invoicing (cannot be a future date)
Value/Quantity: The value/quantity for this specific invoice receipt
Comments: Any notes required for the approver
Select save draft to save the details
All fields must be entered to be able to save
Select 'Submit for approval' once ready for approval
Receipt Approval
Receipt Approval
Receipt approval is by default Standard, where every approver; Requisitioner, budget holder, buyer and DOA must approve the receipt. However there is also the Simplified option, where you only need the DOA approval.
Consult a member of Proteus team to change to simplified.
Each Approver will be notified via email when they are required for approval
Either select the link on the email or navigate to the PO and receipt on Proteus
Review the receipt, add any comments and select Approve or Reject
Approval order; Requisitioner, Buyer, Budget Holder and DOA
If any of the approvers reject the receipt, it will change to the status rejected. The Creator will be able to edit the receipt and resubmit for approval, going through the approvers for approval once again.